this was actually "before" - we have a new rule at home... "If YOU are Ready, please go sit by the door!" ;) So this is how I found them after I got both their shoes on and then had to go on a scavenger hunt for 2 matching black shoes for ...me upstairs... ;)
Meet the Teacher didn't start until NOON so I knew we need to leave early enough to swing by McD's drive thru and have a picnin in the van before hand... so this was us ready to leave at 10:30 am. And of course since I'm the teacher I wanted us to be there by 11:45...

Awlll... what a good little brother... to open the door for his sister. ;)

he was so ready to go - he was crawling out "Spiderman style" before the garage door was even 2 feet up... but before we got in the van we had a few photos we needed to take...

I know. Adorable aren't they?
they look like they are waiting for the school bus... but I started the "tradition" to take Nora's photo each year out by the mailbox so that our home shows in the background thinking over the years it will be neat to look at... in case we end up moving... they can always see where they lived... Paul Thomas didn't like me being in the street as he saw a car coming..

Oh no Maaa.... Here comes a TRUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I ♥ this one... and they are holding hands! I didn't even tell them to.

Are we there yet? ummm, no = we've haven't left our neighborhood yet...

Showin off their cool backpacks!
They have been wearing them all over the house for about a month now... and amazingly they were both Nora's once upon a time ;) She carried the Dora one to the same preschool in 2007 and the larger sized, Spiderman one, was Nora's library book bag...

and as much as they love showing off their backpacks, they love their NEW "LIGHT-UP" shoes even more! You should see them stomp their feet to show people... they're looking down and lifting their knees so high to stomp it's a wonder they don't knock their own noses with their knees. :P LOL

um... I don't know about this...

Here we go .... ready. set. jump!

of course 1st thing out of the van Olivia found a big yellow leaf that she had to put into her backpack :P

so rabbits... tell me, is there anything I need to know before going inside? What would you do if you were me?

Paul Thomas wanted to make sure they had plenty of snacks before he went into school.

Even though David was there today for the parent assisted activities - I was too busy to even think about clicking any in action photos of the activities that we did in class today. They got to use glue and lots of it to stick the bark and leaves onto their learning tress that we will use all year. We even painted today with them as they each decorated their own aprons that will be their smocks all year.

It sure was an exciting and fun day - but also a tiring day... when we got home they both were begging for MILK! So I let them each have a drink before we went upstairs for nap time.

LOL this was so funny!!!! Both of them were asleep in their car seats before they got home... David and I tried to carry them in but they both woke up and wanted MILK...! Here they are having a "BOTTOMS UP" in celebration to their first day! :P LOL

guess who needs a hair cut? and guess who survived her first day of Preschool... although she put up a pretty good fight...

They were both pretty proud of their first "hand stamps"

It was my "first day" too... I'm their teacher... and yes gotta have a photo to compare to... b/c I may have some balding goin on between now and May if I pull any of it out.. :P LOL
Actually today went great - well except for Olivia's ...complete melt down. :( It wasn't until about half way thru that she stopped screaming/crying... I'm hoping next Tuesday goes much better for her.... actually for all of us ;)
It's gonna be a fun year!