Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Tue, Mar 27, 2007 12:49 PM

Horray!!! Nora found the missing "good" digital camera yesterday!!! We were in my sewing room and she was playing under the guest bed like she loves to do. I hear her talking saying, "my camera.... my camera... Nora's click camera"

I thought hummm could it be??? (It's been gone since the end of January adn I've searched everywhere for it and had given up on ever seeing it again) So to coax her out from under the bed I said, "Come on Nora, let's go downstairs to get some jelly beans." and out she came from under the bed with the "good" digital camera in her little hands!!! :) Yeah!!!

Whew, now I don't have to "hear it" anymore from you know who.... and we don't have to worry with buying a new camera! Thank you NORA for FINDING The Camera!~ :)

Edited to add - I added photos to the March folder that I took of Nora yesterday playing in the clover patch in "Jackson's Field" (what she calls the backyard.)

Don't worry, we didn't go out in public yesterday, I do know she is too big for that outfit and after it is washed this week it will be put up for the baby girl on the way. :) She's way too young to be showing that much of her legs! LOL

Friday, March 23, 2007

Fri, Mar 23, 2007

Oh wow - I added the Journal entrie and a few photos last night and already this morning I see there have been close to 30 visitors :) Fantastic!

I just had to come comment after reading both Tracie and Miss Alice's comments on baby B looking like me. Is the reason you think he looks like me, because his mouth is slighty open??? LOL ...and my mouth is always flapping in the wind? LOL :c)

By the way, Nora is her mother's daughter when it comes to talking too. She talks ALL the time!!! and I mean ALL THE TIME!

My friend Heidi kept her Monday while we were in Houston and when we picked her up that evening I asked Heidi if Nora ever quit talking and she laughed and said, for the 45 minuites she was asleep in the car she didn't talk and that was it. Yep, she's my daughter alright! :c)

Heidi has 2 boys, Jed (just turned 3 yesterday) and Eli who was 1 in November. Jed is Nora's best friend in the whole world and I love watching them together. I had them one day at McDonald's together and they just sat across the table and giggled at each other the whole time. So cute!

Monday, March 19, 2007

Mon, Mar 19, 2007

Well, we had our "high definition" ultrasound appointment with Dr. Kirshon in Houston today. Dr. Oliver recommends this as a standard procedure for any of her patients carrying multiples.... so nothing to worry about.

It was amazing - as are all of our ultrasounds :c) But this time I had my own TV screen to look at and didn't have to have my head cricked to the side to see. The Dr. even let David video record the whole appointment (our 1st time to get to tape it) and I look forward to watching it again.

Dr. Kirshon scanned me for a little over an hour - closely measuring every bone and organ possible in each baby. They are growing right along and each weigh just a few ounces shy of 2 pounds.

Last month, baby A = girl, was 1 ounce larger than her brother and head down. However this time she was positioned BREACH and is the smallest baby. Baby B = boy, today was positioned horizontal with his head just under my right boob. No wonder I have been having such nagging pains in my ribcage there - but all this time I thought it was a foot... Nooooooooo, he is head butting me! LOL

We go for our monthly appointment with Dr. Oliver on Wednesday. I hope she will have my records from today’s visit by then. I over heard Dr. Kirshon recording in his hand held tape recorder something about able to deliver at 37 weeks…. Which is 1 week earlier than Dr. Oliver originally told me.

I am at 26 weeks now, so if that be the case...I only have about 11-12 weeks left before we get to meet the babies!

Friday, March 2, 2007

Fri, Mar 2, 2007

I receive weekly emails updating me of the growth of the babies. Thought you may enjoy knowing what is going on with the twins. :c)

Week 24 - How your baby's growing: Your baby's growing steadily, gaining about a quarter of a pound since last week, when she was just over a pound. Since she's almost a foot long, that makes a pretty lean figure, but her body is filling out proportionally and she'll soon put on more baby fat. Your baby's skin is thin, translucent, and wrinkled, her brain is growing rapidly, and her taste buds are developing. Her lungs are developing "branches" of the respiratory "tree" and cells that produce surfactant, a substance that helps the air sacs inflate easily.

Edited to add - I updated the ultrasound photo album just now and added 3D face photos of each of the babies!!! Too early to tell who they look like. To me they just look like babies. :c)

Fri, Mar 2, 2007

Lots of people have asked how I am feeling and I am doing good. :) I do have to be careful when I first stand up adn take those first few steps (lots of pressure)

Last weekend we went shopping and I bought some maternity clothes so now I am starting to really look pregnant with my baby bump ;) which is good b/c until now I just looked at myself as fat... :D

Nora and I had a great day Wednesday. We went to Story Time at the Bridge City library, then we drove over to the fabric store out of town... we were just there last Fri and the store owner, Cindy, gave her some jelly beans in a cup to snack on while I shopped... and she remembered!!!

When I was parking the van Nora told me, Mommy I want to go to the "Fire Ant Store and get jelly beans!" :) We all had a big laugh (the owner and workers) on the fire ant/fabric store mix up :) :) :)

Today, was our MOPS 1st Friday Fun Play date and we went to Tug Boat Island park. Nora had a great time which =s that she also got so dirty! We attempted to take a group photo but kids kept running off so only half of the people are in the pic.

I will upload those to a March folder. I am trying to do better about updating this page :) Hope you enjoy our stories and photos!

Love from TX!!! ~Bonnie