15 years ago tonight, David and I said "I Do" to a life together as Man and Wife. We choose 2/21 because both his mom's parents, and dad's parents (both sets of his grandparents) also married on February 21st :)
How can time pass so quickly?? How is it that I can remember so much from some of those years, and yet have ave no recollection to some of those years in-between??? I know that it was a long wait for us to become a family - 8 years waiting for our first baby and then, BAM within 3 years we had 3 kids! Life since then has been so fun, and challenging at times, but so worth the wait!
I'm so thankful God choose David for me and the kids. He is truly a great, great man!! I love him so much. Thanks David for putting up with me this long and being my best friend..... I hope we have many more years together!
Wow - I had to log back in to edit this and share two more photos. Just a few moments after I posted this, there was a knock at the front door.... Are you Mrs. Minor?? the girl asked.
Thanks to Olivia having my camera in her hands, you can see my reaction after bringing them into the living room and setting them down on the marble coffee table. ;)
Thank you David!!! You totally caught me off guard and totally surprised me! I've forgotten how long it's been since I received roses, but the feeling is the same as I remember.... I'm a little bit giddy now :D Thanks again honey. I love you always too!