Nora can't wait to take her land form project to school tomorrow. Isn't it every kid's dream to create an erupting volcano in 5th grade? :c)
Ta-Da!! This photo is for
David Minor who's in West Virginia this week. I'm pretty sure after she creates her volcano eruption at school and brings it back home, it won't look anything like it does tonight. I'm afraid that the plaster will melt when it gets wet. We wanted you to see it Daddy.
I wish I'd known on Monday that she'd actually chosen Mauna Loa - the world's most MASSIVE volcano. Didn't realize that until reading her written report tonight! We would have used a tall chicken stock can and made this thing much bigger... with gradual sloping sides. I'm thinking the teacher will deduct points because of the model's size.?
Here's a little peek down into the central vent.... a mixture of baking soda, Jello mix and red Kool-aid. Friday during her presentation she'll add the vinegar with a little liquid hand soap.
We watched several online videos and only one person used a box of Jello mix... and their lava came out looking chunky. Nora liked that and thought it would help hers to look more lumpy/rocky and different form her classmates. She also put a couple pumps of handsoap into the vinegar which made it foam up really well during our trial runs here at home. Only it didn't look nearly as cool coming out of a regular cup. She can't wait to see it all erupt from the volcano she built!
Yes, that's paint on the trees... As she was painting she mistakenly got some on one of the trees and then said, "Oh well.... ash gets on everything when it erupts so I'll just add more ash to all the trees!" :)

We were going to use modeling clay but instead ended up using casting cloth and plaster. Very fun to work with and it ended up looking much more realistic using the plaster. Although, I think if you asked Nora, she'd tell you that painting the board the ocean blues was her favorite part. haha
I'm glad we started building this thing on Monday. She touched up paint spots every night and is very proud of her project.