Monday, August 1, 2005

Mon, Aug 1, 2005

Nora had her visit with her new pediatrician last week. Dr. Medrano was very friendly and took to Nora right away. You can tell she really loves children. Nora’s weight and height have been updated in the status and growth chart.

Nora is doing new things everyday. She stated shaking her head “NO!? about a week ago and does it all the time. Even when you ask her if she wants a drink and she does she will shake her head no first then grab the cup. Typical female, we are suppose to be able to read her mind all the time and know what she is thinking – ha-ha.

She also throws tantrums already! And she isn’t close to being 2yrs old or 3 (which I have herd is worse that the terrible two’s.) We call them total meltdowns. She is so tenderhearted and if she is getting into something she isn’t suppose to be and you tell her no, she gets SO UPSET! She squats down then throws her whole body to the floor balling!

She recently started demanding for a lot of holding. Not sure if that is linked with the teething maybe she isn’t’ feeling good? Her top molars still haven’t’ broken thru the gums yet. She wants to be held all the time and balls if you set her down. Daddy got a good taste of it over the past weekend. She has learned that she can climb anything she can get her knee up on. She is getting fast climbing up the stairs when we go up to bed.

I can’t remember if I told everyone about her getting into her walker on her own. I was totally surprised one day when I came out of the bathroom and there she was in it! I got her out and watched her climb back into it. She sure is strong! Well I will post some photos later on when she is taking a nap.

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