But I need to let everyone know - especially the family in KY who just recently got computers (Dad & Clara, Gma Minor, Bary & Kathy) that there hasn't been much new to read or see because our computer is on the verge of retiring - or rather dying! 
Good news is that as I get time to get on line and post and the computer cooperates, I will post here and there... and that lucky for me, this is my Birthday month, and we have been wanting a laptop for about a year now... so perhaps it is time to cash in and get one! (Not that I expect to see any cash...) so until then, you may see some posts our of order by date... I may try to back date but the main page only shows 5 stories at a time so you may need to click on the older posts link at the very bottom of the page.
Sorry Dad to make you wear a walking path of so many trips out to the shop where your computer is, only to find the same ole same ole!! :P But if you are reading this - there's at least 2 more new stories below. :c) *yeah*
Love to everyone and thanks for sticking around while we wait on our new laptop from Dell. My Birthday isn't for another week (July 26th) so the big question is - will David let me open it early or not??? ;)