Here we are all dressed up for Mass and thinking of Bonnie's dad and step mom as they celebrate their 4th wedding anniversary today! ;)
We love you Mamaw & Papaw!!!

A place to have show-n-tell of our "minor" happenings day to day. Both of our families, and lots of close friends are hundreds of miles away - so this is a great way to keep everyone updated and letting them have a front row seat in watching our kids as they grow up! Enjoy, and let us know you stopped by!
Is it the Hurricanes? Love bugs? Hurricanes? Mosquitoes? Sticky Yuck Humidity? Did I mention Hurricanes? (yes, we've had 4 hurricanes during our time of livin here- two of them major ones "Rita '05" & "Ike '08"
Well, while all of those things are certainly on the list of things we do not like about Texas... the #1 thing we DISLIKE MOST about living in Texas is the PROPERTY TAXES we pay every January 31st! :/
OUCH! It pains me to write my largest check ever....
Oh no you didn't.... oh YES I did!
Yep, we had a MOPS Play date to go to this morning... and Paul Thomas insisted on wearing his favorite Dora PJ's... and since I knew it was gonna be an outdoor play date in the back yard at Dana's... I made him wear them over his sweat shirt. Yes, I know what you're thinking...
that you would have left them on and put the sweat shirt on over the Dora PJ top... but trust me - I tried that! and he wasn't buyin it! :P Oh well - they are only 2 years old once...
Olivia found something she loved - a BIG HORSIE MOMMA!! WOOK!
watching them run and climb was fun - they're really on the go... in opposite directions of course! :P thankfully since it was a fenced in back yard with lots of other mom's it was easy to keep an eye on both of them. ;)
and strangely while Olivia was swinging her nose began bleeding... A LOT. Don't worry, I don't have photos of that to show you - I was busy holding a wet towel on it.
You're looking at THE happiest kid on the block!!! For as long as I can remember, Nora has wanted to set up a Kool-Aid stand. But how do you explain it to a 5 year old we live in the back of the neighborhood and there will not be any customers!??!?!?
today it certainly wasn't planned but while the twins were napping she and I were outside. I was working on squaring up a quilt on the driveway and she was beggin me to help her play Kool-aid stand.
She created her own sign and drug out the package of paper towels... you know for, ..."Just in case we have any spills momma!" ;) Did I mention that she was SOOOO HAPPY?
So what's a momma to do? The Christmas wreath Rubbermaid was conveniently still sitting in the garage so I pulled it out to the end of the driveway.
It didn't take her long to spot some potential customers... and she started yelling, "FREEeee Kool-Aid for Sale! Come get your FREE Kool-Aid HERE"
she yelled it a few dozen times...b/c
about 2 doors down, standing out in the driveway was this young couple with two small children. They heard her yelling and decided to walk down. ;)
Lookie - here they come!
Can you tell she's excited about her customers on the way to her Kool-Aid stand?
It appears that "Black Cherry" is a hit with the customers!
So Nora is it "for sale" or is it "free" ????? She explains that "it's BOTH momma! I want all the kids to be able to have some, so it's free that way their momma can't say that she doesn't' have any money for buying her kids some."
Awllll. What a sweet heart!
I'm so proud of my girl!
and yes Nora.... I "pinky promise" that we will do this again one day.
But let's please wait until it's warmer outside and perhaps even plan it with some advertising - you know posters and such so people can come - you know it's all about location! location! location!!!
Sure wish Daddy would come home from work already! It's getting cold sitting out here waiting on him....
Parenting is hard work.
Its hard to be consistent and its hard work to study all there is on helping your children become compassionate adults.
Its hard work to weed out the stuff that is fluff and worthless too.
Its hard work to be an example at all times that is good.
But worth the work!