Homework for Nora is usually pretty simple however when it comes to going back over her Kumon Math Worksheets - well that is another story! I know it is common for kids this age to write numbers and letters in a mirrored image... but when you have a workbook of over 50 problems and over half need to be rewritten - well that can nearly make time stand still.

So lately we've been practicing number writing on Nora's dry erase board. Look at her hat she made today at school for St. Patty's Day. I asked her if she got pinched - and she said yes! b/c no one noticed her "pot of gold at the end of the rainbow" socks she was wearing...

Wish I had thought of this weeks ago - as she doesn't mind using the dry erase marker - it's fun not homework. ;) Her numbers are looking good!

and I'd love to show you ALL the numbers on the board written and complete - but since she's a lefty, we had to wipe clean the left side so that she could continue with numbers 9-16

it helped that I was taking photos and promised her I'd show you both sides... oh and there was something else she wants to show you...

her 2nd new tooth is coming in... behind the baby tooth like last time...

ok Nora, I'll let you get back to work...

Ta-Da - all done with my numbers momma!

Great job Nora - NOW remember this next time you are doing Kumon at school. ok? You know all the answers, you just need to remember what direction to write the numbers. ;)
Momma - I want to do a Bonus sheet too!
Shapes and their words - good job Nora!