The kids and I got to join David and his ASSE group for lunch at the Aquarium, take a ride on one of the members' yacht, which the kids thought was sooo cool that they had 2 bedrooms, and kitchen and den on board!! I'd left our life jackets in Kentucky but thank goodness for putting out request on facebook, I was able to borrow life jackets from local friends so that all three of them would have them to wear. I originally had thought I'd be on my own with the kids back at the hotel pool while David did outings and activities with his group - but in the end we were able to join them most of the day... so it was great to have the life jackets with us to use while on the yacht b/c Nora, Olivia, and Paul Thomas couldn't resist going up and down all 3 levels of this boat. And also thank goodness they were the only kids and all the adults on board helped keep dozens and dozens of eyes on them all all times. ;)
After we were back no shore, at the boardwalk it was about 30 minutes until the whole group was back out to sea, only this time at a much faster pace!!! I don't think there was a dry seat to be had on the boat called "Boardwalk Beast" race boat. We all got soaked with salt water while the crew members stayed standing and dancing in the isles. How they didn't slip and fall as the driver dipped on each turn, I'll never figure out!! Maybe their shoes were attached to the floor kinda like a ski board? haha
After the group activities, we said our good byes to David's group then went back to the hotel and hung out at the pool at sunset - which when the pool lights automatically turned on WOWED the kids like no other!! It was the perfect ending, wrapping up the day with fireworks over the Bay while eating supper at Joe's Crab Shack.
Today, (Saturday) it was very cloudy but the rain held off all day :) and we rode tons of rides at the boardwalk. The kids first time to have stand next to the "you must be this tall to ride" signs, which I think has convinced them to eat more food so they'll be tall enough next year! haha and it was Olivia's big grand tantrum that made us call it a day when she wanted to ride the Boardwalk Bullet. (Nora wasn't even close to the stick much less Olivia!) We got tons of laughs and stares as we walked out and Olivia is screaming and hissing and kicking saying "I'M ALL DONE HAVING A TANTRUM!!!! I DON'T WANNA GO HOOOOOME! I'M ALL DONE CRYING!!!!!" :/
Fun and more fun! At lease we know we're not *quite* ready for Disney.... yet. ;) OH and did I mention it was the first time we stayed in a hotel since the twins have been walking. Talk about "bouncing off the walls!!!" I can not begin to count the number of times I told them to stop and be quiet. I kept thinking any minute the manager was gonna knock on our room door. *whew* This morning I read a friends' fb status that said ---- "if you're kids are not driving you crazy then you're not spending enough time with them" haha no kidding. I've been putting in a lot of overtime with mine! ♥ ;)
I'm happy to finally be home... just not looking forward to unpacking the van after church tomorrow. Lots of stuff - especially all our going to KY gear. We are so blessed, looking forward to many more family vacation get aways in the years to come. Thank You David for talking me into making a weekend trip out of it. ;) It was worth it!

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