Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Wed, Jul 21, 2004

One Month Milestone: Nora is 4 weeks old today! She learning all about her new environment using her eyes, her ears, her sense of smell and touch. Nora can lift her head up very good for her age. When you are holding her on your sholder she does very well... but during tummy time she doesn't like to hold it up at all. She just stares face down at the blanket and gets frustrated very quickly. She can focus both eyes together.

David loves to walk her around the house and show her all the many things to look at. Both of them favor the mirrors :) Nora also can follow object that are about six inches above her face. She loves high contrast colors!

Her black and white book is what she can see best. Nora can hear us when we are around! She recognizes Mommy & Daddy's voices and respond by turning her head toward them. Nora is a hand-holder. She grips your finger when you stroke her palm....part of her developing grasping reflex. And her cutest trick right now, is that she turns toward your finger with her mouth wide open, when you rub a corner of her mouth. (rooting) She looks like a baby bird wiating for food. It is too cute!

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