.For security reasons, I think it is best to use nicknames for the kids..... The ones I have come up for the twins may change as their personalities do....
For now we will use these nicknames when talking about the kids:
1st born = "Knucklehead"
twin A = (girl) = "Stretch"
twin B = (boy) = "MJ"
him = "Daddy" -nothing comes to mind right now...
Here in this photo, meet our 1st born, aka, Knucklehead. As most of you may have already heard the story, her nickname was easy... she has been called this since her moment of birth b/c when Daddy peeked to see her coming out she had her knuckles in a fist wrapped around her head! Plus too, she is really into acting so silly these days that knucklehead still suits her just fine! ;c)
Below I will include a few more photos of the twins - I'm not sure what their "official" nicknames will end up being as I am waiting to see their personalities form... if I had to pick one right now for baby boy, it would be "MJ = for Milk Jug" b/c he eats allllll the time! Here he is trying to nurse Baby Girl's arm!!! As you can tell this isn't the first attempt and she is quite upset with him! LOL
Her favorite time of day is when Daddy gives her her bath and often she gets to go upstairs after her bath to enjoy story time and prayers with big sister Knucklehead and Momma.
She looks good in about anything you put on her... including "blue" :) Yes, blue meaning boy clothes... she often gets to wear her brother's blue gowns to bed b/c she doesn't like the confinement of footed sleepers. She needs lots of room to "Stretch."
As I said earlier "MJ" loves to eat! I seriously think he would eat until his belly exploded if he wasn't forced to share with his sister! Any time you pick him up you can hear the milk in his belly sloshing around....and then hold him for less than 5 minutes and you will declare he is starving b/c he is about to chew his fist off.
...oh, and Daddy is the one who came up with "MJ" for baby boy. MJ, meaning "milk jug" because he sloshes so! LOL
oh good! If you are reading this, then that means you found the comment link at the bottom of the post! :)
Please make comments and if you don't have a blogger account which I am guessing most of you don't then simply choose "Anonymous" and type then write in your name so I will know who you are ;)
Thanks - and love from TX,
Daddy, I expect you to comment too!!!
I mean it! ;)
great site! Love the pics of the kiddos. It's amazing how quickly babies form personalities - love the smiles. Hope we're still going to see all of you over Halloween... keep me updated!
Love to all of you,
Hey Bingo! Been a while since I heard about you and the kids! Great to see you here! Love the updates and the stories behind their nicknames!
Hope to see you back into quilting in no time!
Great pictures of the kids - they look healthy and happy! I hope you two (Mommy and Daddy) are as well!!!
It's so great to see the kids and "Knucklehead" and the babies are getting SO big.
Congrats! on a wonderful family.
Hey Momma. Great site. I guess I will need to chip in and try to get some videos up on the site.
I will also try to work on the notification, so everyone will know when the web page updates.
The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Just a note to wish you and your family a Happy Feast Day on this Week of August 15th, the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into heaven. May the Blessed Virgin, through her Son, Jesus, grant joy and peace to you and your love ones.
from LLS
Great photo's! :)
your friend on the westside ;)
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