Last night was team pictures and also the very first time that the kids got to wear their uniforms. The twins' pants are 2XS and are soooo big on them and the T-shirts are either S or XS, I don't remember for sure, but they're LOoooong enough to wear as a dress on them! :P Aren't they cute?

Poor little sister was so scared standing there all alone waiting for the lady to take the photo. She could not crack a smile for nothing. It was all she could do to hold back her tears. Her big eyes just staring ...so pitiful. :(

However the opposite was true for little brother - as soon as David helped him get his foot on the duct tape spot on the floor he stepped back and PT grinned ear to ear :)

Neither of them wanted to take off their "BASE-Uah-BALL" uniforms David said - so he let Olivia wear her cap to bed and PT wore his shirt to bed last night. They play their first T-Ball game Saturday at 2:30.
Happy Weekend - sure wish all y'all were here to go with us to the game!
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