Aren't they cute together with their chocolate chip smiles. :c) Loralee is a year older than Nora but they are the same size.
As soon as we arrived, Tanner welcomed us to his farm and proudly showed us the newest baby rabbit. Here is Nora begging to hold it.
We decided she'd be safer petting it.. or rather the bunny would be safer!
The primary reason for our play date at the Evans' Farm was b/c in preschool they are doing a unit on horses next week and all the kids got to ride the horses as much as they wanted..... but the Evan's have much more than just horses on their farm!!!
They have chickens, goats, rabbits, pigs, turtles, frogs, birds, and last week they did have their own Texas road rat!!! But he escaped during the night thankfully! I do not care to ever see an armadillo up close! I was scared out of my skin when Tanner held up a lizard about 2 inches from my right ear!
OK, back to Nora... while, she did LOVE riding the horse....and this would have normally been her
"favorite thing of the day"........ there was another fun adventure she got to do during her visit to the farm.
Nora rode the zipline!!! or as she says, "THE ZIPPER!" ;c)
Yep, she sure did! And there was no asking her if she wanted to or begging her to try it - she just went along with what all the other kids were taking turns doing! As she was gearing up to take her turn is when Michael yelled from the tree house, "NORA is NEXT" and I quickly found my camera and jumped up out of my lawn chair to go take a photo!
I was so proud of her and honestly shocked that she did it! I'm not sure exactly how high up in the air the line is but I am guessing at least 20 feet at the beginning in their two story tree house and then it slopes downward as the line ends at the landing on the other side of the yard.
in this pic you can sort of see the two story tree house behind the trees. and once on the 2nd story you have to climb up and sit on top of an 8 foot ladder before you go... talk about being brave!
and here is Miss Heidi unhooking Nora after her rerun on the Zipper! :)
and what did Olivia think of Big sister's adventure? Fun!
Thanks Bev and Michael for having us out to visit your family farm! We had a great time!!
Oh, and guess who was standing in the middle of an fire ant pile while taking the Evan's photo!$^&! Me! Thankfully only a few of the 19 bites immediately blistered up. However all of the bites have been itching like crazy since the day of the farm trip! I took this while STOPPED at a red light and not driving ;)
oh, it it appears that my vehicle inspection is past due... shhhuh don't tell the police on me OK? ;)
Love from Texas! ~bonnie
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