I don't usually share quilty things here on our family blog... but I just noticed in the previous post the empty quilt frame behind the sofa.. and thought I'd share. (Mainly share with Dad & Clara) ;)
Remember the day we put this in the quilt frame???? Way back when you and Clara visited in February wasn't it Dad?
Well I'm almost ashamed to say, not much has been accomplished on it since that weekend that we put it in the frame he made for me. Actually next to ZERO accomplished.
At one time, I seriously had high hopes to be ale to sit and stitch on it at night time after the kids were put to bed... but who was I foolin? Myself!
Well it's been sitting behind the sofa in our den since then and every time I talk to my dad in KY he can't help but ask me "Have you turned your quilt lately?" and every stinkin time my answer is "are you kidding? NO, I've got kids, have you forgotten!" :P LOL
Well one day a few weeks ago week I was in the kitchen unloading the dishwasher when heard a lamp fall over in the den where the twins were watching a video "out of their car seats" - I thought I could trust them....for just 10 minutes while I was in the kitchen.... turns out NO I can NOT!
So I go runnin in to find that Olivia had knocked over the lamp - and good thing b/c Paul Thomas was up on TOP of my QUILT FRAME ROLLIN AROUND trying to sit up!!! AKKK!
It's a wonder he didn't RIP the fabric!So needless to say, I removed it form the frame ASAP and putting the frame away until another year... *sigh* not a big deal b/c I hadn't even loaded thread in the quilting needle but a hand full of times if that many.
Later the same night Paul Thomas was up on top of the quilt I read on one of my favorite message boards, that my friend "needlecrazy" is heading up an IKE Relief fundraiser project. Several of longarm quilters from the board have volunteered to quilt a simple meander on any quilt sized up to 100" for a donation of minimum donation of $50.
The quilting will be simple--no ruler work or pantographs, just an all-over-free-motion meandering design. This is perfectly fine with me - after all it is a rather busy pattern. And done is better than perfect -or in my case with Paul Thomas - done is better than ripped or hurt child!
My friends have already raised over $2000 for the IKE Relief fund with their project!!! Three of my friends are each quilting for the project and my friend "Quiltaholic" in North Carolina is where I will mail my quilt to.
She can't get to it until after the holidays - she has a long list of customers to quilt for before Christmas... and that is fine with me. I am not in any hurry.
So sometime in 2009 my "Texas Treasures" Round Robin Quit will be longarmed and returned to me to be bound. I'll actually be able to cuddle up on the sofa and enjoy using this quilt while we live in Texas!!! Who knows how many years it would have remained in that quilt frame waiting to be hand quilted. *sigh*
...and speaking of living in Texas... can you believe we are approaching our 4th Christmas in this house! We've now lived here longer than any other home over the years.