Last Friday we were invited to a Birthday/Play Date Party for one of Nora's friends. :) Here are a few photos taken that day to share with you for this week's wordless Wednesday. ~bonnie
The little girl holding Paul Thomas is the Birthday Girl :)
Olivia was in the party spirit with her Puffs can noise maker!
Paul Thomas wanted a closer took and taste of everything -just couldn't take his eyes off the balloons for a single second!
Time for cake! and a Beeeeauuuutiful Barbie one at that! :)
Now that we had our sugar fix, it's time to jump!
After we got home, Nora went to the stairs to take off her shoes and put them in the basket, "so we'll know where they are next time." ;) and naturally, she had to check for toe jam!
Ta Da!
Get another picture of my foot momma!
"No! No! NO! Not my face! Not my face I said PLEASE!" :cP
OK, so maybe this wasn't so much of a "wordless" Wednesday... LOL ;)
Love from Texas! ~bonnie
love reading and looking at your blog bonnie!! i also love the bookshelf you have with all the books on it!! i might just find some books on there for my kiddos that we've not read! IowaLisa
Thanks – isn’t that a cool book shelf??? I found it thru Mary Johnson’s blog.....only she has a link to hers not an actual shelf.
Anyway, if you click on it you will see many more books. If you look at the “read” list you will see all the books we have checked out of the library.... then the “own” list are the ones we have at home.... and then there is the ever growing “wish list” of books we would one day like to have… oh and the plans to read – what we saw listed somewhere else and want to check to see if the library has them… :c)
We love checking out books at the library and often recheck our favorites. I find that Nora likes the familiarity of getting the same ones over often.... Once I asked if they could give me a print out list so I could look over what I wanted to check back out (they do it all by computer so it is saved.) Well, imagine how surprised I was when the librarian told me they couldn’t b/c of privacy laws. ???E$#$@#!@1 even if I am only requesting my OWN list??? What ever? So I began keeping a ziplock baggie full of our receipts with the titles to thumb back thru and recheck our favorites. Then I found this book shelf thing on line and could keep track like this much easier!!! And often Nora and I like to look thru the shelf and she can see the covers and tell me what she wants to check out again from the library! ;)
You should sign up for a shelfari too – and the best part is – that if you have a wish list going you can share the link with friends and family just before birthdays and holidays if they are needing gift ideas :c) and share with me too if you get one so I can see what is on your book shelf! :c)
Love from Texas!! ~bonnie
I loved the bookshelf so much, I decided I'd better get myself one too!!! THANKS for the inspiration!!! I'm sure its gonna take a long time to get all our books added, but will be a great reference once they are all there. IowaLisa
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