David is very busy at work activating storm plans and keeping in contact with city officials. He says they will announce tomorrow morning if there will be a mandatory evacuation or not.... be he wants me to be packed and ready to go the minute they say so.
Honestly the news pretty much turned my stomach yesterday when he told me very firmly he wants me to drive up to Mississippi with the kids - Oh the thought of it!!! So overwhelming!
For those of you who don't know - David's job roll puts him pretty much in charge at the plant for hurricanes... he and his team stay behind and protect the fort while everyone else leaves...
During Rita, Nora who was 15 months old and I left Texas and didn't return until 23 days later. In 2005, I packed up EVERYTHING - I'm talking every photo, every quilt, every everything I could never replace.
This time having the twins along and all their gear **and don't forget the dog too** I'll be doing good to remember the bare essentials this time! Plus I have to leave space in the van for a diaper changing area -I can't do it in public restrooms... well I guess I could since I'll also have to have space in the van for the double stroller.. One can sit in it while I change the other..
Problem is I only have one pack-n-play for sleeping... I'm thinking I will take a chance that perhaps when I get to where I'm going the couple will have friends with a baby and I can borrow their pack and play. worst case - I have to go buy one.
and where will we go? Nora's Godfather, Michale lives in Jackson Mississippi. He and Abbey have been so nice to welcome us in the past and I spoke with him on the phone last night concerning hurricane plans. Abbey's family is from Gulf Port... so depending on the path of the hurricane chances for a house full of guests is pretty good for them.
So for now, I better get off here and get busy. I have a lot to do even if I'm not taking everything. I plan to bag all photos and quilts up into large outdoor bags and then take them all upstairs to the guest bedroom. The only "things" I'm taking is the laptop and both of the towers to the old computers. They have all our digital photos stored on them. We still have not backed them up! I think they'll fit on the passengers side floorboard... and depending on how much room I have I may take a few quilts. The rest will have to stay here and I'll just have faith knowing that we do have insurance if we ever need it!
I'll check back in when I get to where I'm going - If I'm going... ;) So if you can say a prayer or two for me and my nerves... I have never traveled with 3 kids and a dog by myslef before!
